Crescent Draped-Inspired Wall Hanging


Decorative Bedroom

Bear with me because this design is a little

out there

I had some crazy inspiration from the photo above (seriously... my future bedroom, please) and decided to incorporate some draped string into my next weave. I had no idea if the picture in my mind would look good, or if I would regret my decision, but I actually love the way it turned out.

The thing I love about handmade pieces is that you can tell they weren't put through a factory line. The messy, imperfect touches make each piece feel special and unique. I have only created two identical weaves before and that was because a client asked for it specifically. Otherwise, I am like a design tornado - my looks might be a all over the page, but if I don't try a new technique with each weave I would probably go a little crazy.

Little miss draped is currently hanging in my living room (I like to give each wall hanging its special time in my home before it meets its new owner) but if you want this little lady (she looks like a lady, right?) for yourself, she is currently available in

my shop


Double Doggy


Jewelry DIY: Leather-Wrapped Quartz Necklace